Please check her interview and beautiful work at Shoutout LA!
“To become a good designer, you need to master many aspects of knowledge and good aesthetics which is a long and complex process. Starting from the research, I always get inspiration from paintings, exhibitions, art installation etc. Those are the resources you probably will use in your design in terms of what genre of films you are doing. Afterwards, you need to have your own explanation of the sets, the main way to express your ideas is through the rendering. It is not an easy thing to learn the 3d software at all, sometimes you will forget some parts if you haven’t used it for a while. But that is the strongest tool for a production designer to show the overall space to the director, they can get the ideas about the tone of the set, and sometimes you can also set up the different angles of the camera, suggesting the different shots for the director.“
She has a strong idea about working together and being an artists in her field.